It should come as little surprise to those who know of his architectural yens as of late that Roberto Cavalli has decided to tackle the club scene. The first club is slated to open in October in Dubai (where the designer has also designed an 80-story hi-rise residential building), with additional outposts in the pipeline for Milan (a revamp of a restaurant he already owns there), Miami and London.
Cavalli told WWD that he was hoping to fuse "modern and Renaissance influences, the past and the future, and especially a Tuscan touch in the kitchen."
"Everything will be Cavalli, from the furniture down to the ice holder and the dishes," he added. And no doubt that will extend to the vodka served, too - afterall, who can forget this fave Cavallism: "I make the vodka because I like having sexy times with the sexy ladies." Here's to Cavalli's new sexy times temples - Cheers dears!